Customer Testimonials

"Working with Hattie to create such a special piece honoring my loved one was a joy. Hattie made me a beautiful memento that I wear daily to remind me of my mother. My jewelry piece has been a great comfort and I love feeling like my mom is always with me. It is something I will cherish forever. Thank you, Hattie for making something so beautiful and personal during a very hard time of mourning, it truly means the world to me." 

- Ginny Crayton 


"When I saw that Hattie was introducing a Cremation Jewelry Collection, my sister and I knew she was the perfect person to go to with our special gift request.  We had wanted something special for our mom for Mother’s Day to honor our brother, who passed away a few years ago.  Not only was Hattie amazing to work with, the end result was simply beautiful!  As she was creating the ring we had picked, she sent videos of the process and the special care she took with each step.  Once finished, she carefully hand engraved my brothers initials into the side of the ring.  Words cannot describe how touched my mom was to receive this special gift.  Thank you, Hattie for the amazing work you do, each piece being handled with your special touch.  We are forever grateful!" 

- Stephanie & Melinda Hall 


When the discussion came up to create memorial jewelry using the ashes of a recently passed family member, We had something in mind that was different than any other cremation jewelry out there. Rather then vessel the ashes, we wanted them To bond with the metal, even if it were just to be a symbolic gesture. It felt important. My mind immediately went to Hattie. I felt 100% confident that she would create organic one-of-a-kind pieces that would translate as a more private gesture towards thinking of a loved one that has passed. Her intense knowledge of metallurgy combined with listening to our wants along with giving her the freedom of artistic license yielded beautiful, delicate and strong works. The final products are more then we could have asked for, they feel like forever. 

- Katee Boyle